The Master lasts 1 year (from April 4th, 2025 to March 1st, 2026) with lessons in synchronous online mode on Fridays and Saturdays. Attendance of 70% of the course is mandatory.
A total of 60 credits, divided into (see the program at a glance):
40 credits of regular lectures and workshops (synchronous online mode and two in-person workshops)
12 credits of a training internship
6 credits for a group project
2 credits for the final test (diploma ceremony on the 28/03/2026 or 5/11/2026).
Program at a glance
Lessons start on April the 4th 2025, and end on March the 1st 2026
(synchronous online mode on Friday 9.00-13.00/14.00-17.00 and Saturday 9.00-13.00 + 2 in-person workshops)
2 - Enabling discoveries in Molecular Biology
3 - The different realms where to allocate the innovation
4 - Soft skills
Final test and Diploma (28/03/2026 or 5/11/2026)